Effective Advocacy
presented by:

Diane Patrick
UTA College of Education

Lisa de la Garza
Texas Women's Foundation
Join the WPF membership at 11:30 a.m. (*note time change*) on Wednesday, September 8, 2021 for an amazing advocacy themed luncheon. Coordinated by the WPF Advocacy Committee, the September program features two sides of the advocacy discussion: A discussion about what advocacy is, and feedback from a seasoned elected official who served as an audience for advocacy for more than a decade.
The Advocacy Committee is excited to welcome September's speakers, Diane Patrick (bio) and Lisa de la Garza (bio). Patrick is a seasoned elected official who embraces the role of advocacy in creating policy change and raising awareness of key community issues. De la Garza is an expert at advocacy, sharing her talents with the Texas Women's Foundation where she leads the Foundation's advocacy programs. After the presentations members will have the opportunity to ask questions about the advocacy process, etc.
In support of the program topic of advocacy, members will receive an advocacy materials took kit complements of the Texas Women's Foundation.
The September luncheon has been planned to achieve the following goals. 1) Increase awareness of the role of advocacy in enacting policy change, 2) Explain the advocacy process with tips and tools, 3) Increase awareness of the newly formed WPF Advocacy Committee.
This event will be held remotely via Zoom. There is no cost to attend and guests of WPF members are welcome! Please register guests separately so that they will receive the Zoom link.